Religious Institutes have an added advantage of naturally and deep imbedded relationship in getting involved in the affairs of the communities they serve.
The intervention was initiated under the auspices of the Association of the Religious in Uganda (ARU) and /or under her arm of TALITHA KUM. The intervention sought to build synergies of the religious institutes in Uganda coming together to have concerted efforts in combating the vice of human trafficking and modern slavery in Uganda. The intervention was also intended to create .... Read More
Meeting the Tororo Committee members
Follow up meeting in Lugazi western uganda
Kabale Diocese Launching St.Bakhita Network
Leaders Receive the training mannual in Moroto
Follow up meeting with the Soroti Committee members
Our Radio programs for advocancy for Human rights.
We also carry out Debates in schools
Religious Celebtrating Bakhita day
T○ Build Synergies of religious institutions geared to combating human trafficking and all forms of modern slavery in Uganda
T○ Build Synergies of religious institutions geared to combating human trafficking and all forms of modern slavery in Uganda
Financial Officer
National Advocacy Officer